Tuesday, April 12, 2016

An Introduction and Invitation

I've created this simple blog on a lark as a convenient place to discuss issues raised by posts and comments occurring in a Facebook group I co-moderate titled GOD. Or, I may often use this blog as a platform for introducing a subject or issue to the group for discussion there and/or here.

As of this posting, the GOD Facebook group is open to general public viewing, but only group members can participate in the discussions. However, this blog's comments section is open to everyone, GOD group member or not. But any comments made here can and often may be shared with the group for discussion there.

I don't know how things will go here or how long this blog will even be up. But I'm all for giving it a shot and seeing what happens. One of my hopes is that this blog may help me to get my writing juices flowing for more substantive writing pursuits.

But I also hope that it may stimulate thought and discussion among group participants as well as among those who merely read group postings or even just the postings of this blog. As I said, all are welcome to read and comment here.

Let's see what happens.


  1. I think it's a good idea. I don't usually participate in the group anymore but would check out articles posted here. I hope you post it on your fb wall so I can find it in my feed. :)

    Best wishes.

    1. I'm glad you like the idea, Jess. Since, in keeping with my Christian counterapologetical interests, many if not most of my posts will probably address Christian scripture and doctrines, you may not find much of interest here. But I'd like to think that some of the points I raise are generalizable to other wisdom traditions and "paths" too. Not only that, but I'll probably have things to say from time to time about other traditions and paths directly.

      Furthermore, as I learn more from my studies of the psychology and neuroscience of religion and spirituality, I'll probably be sharing some of that here too.

      Welcome aboard.
